The women lay Theon down on a bed and then proceed to dramatically seduce him. She renews her passion for him and tells him bluntly that if they die, they die, but before they die they will live in each other.Īt his prison, Theon Greyjoy is released by two beautiful girls from the cross to which he is chained. Ygritte refuses to listen and points out that Jon is technically one of them if it fails, so does he. Jon also tries to persuade Ygritte that the wildlings' cause is doomed to failure, reminding her that six Kings-Beyond-the-Wall have attacked the southern lands in the past thousand years and all have been repelled. During the journey through the woods, a clearly jealous Orell confronts Ygritte and says that he would be a better man for her than Jon Snow, while continuing to express his distrust in Jon.

Orell tells Jon that he doesn't see Ygritte complaining about what happened because she is a wildling and understood what needed to be done in a pressure situation, also telling Jon that this is the reason he will never be able to keep her. Afterwards Jon confronts Orell about cutting his and Ygritte's rope loose on The Wall, nearly killing the both of them in the process.

Jon and Ygritte make their way to Castle Black.Īfter surviving the perilous climb of the Wall, Jon Snow, Ygritte, and the wildlings led by Tormund make their way towards Castle Black to await Mance Rayder's signal to begin the attack on the Night's Watch. Brienne faces a formidable foe in Harrenhal.

Tywin counsels the king, and Melisandre reveals a secret to Gendry. As Sansa frets about her prospects, Shae chafes at Tyrion's new situation. Dany exchanges gifts with a slave lord outside of Yunkai.